Saturday, June 20, 2009

World Map Rug

O and I are both SO excited about our new world map rug! She was so excited that she was running around the house screaming. This is very uncharacteristic behavior, and I asked her why she was screaming. She said "Because I'm SO EXCITED about my rug!" Who knew that a rug would be so exciting for an almost 3 year old? :)

The rug just arrived today (Thursday), and we've already had so much fun with it. I found all of my old Beanie Babies (O was very excited about this, too!), and we put them on the correct continents. We also stepped from one continent to the next while singing the continent song. She loves marching around in circles on the rug while singing the continent song :) What a great buy!


  1. What a great idea -- where did you order it from? My husband is from New Zealand (we're in the U.S.), and we have siblings in Europe and Australia too, so I love tools to teach about where all of the relatives are. I see a Hugg-A-Planet in the background. I've given about four of those as gifts, and we love ours!

  2. So awesome! I'll have to check out the continent song. I teach pre-k, and it would be a great resource for my class (and my little ones at home as well!).

  3. The rug came from Hearthsong. If you click on the link within the post, it will take you to the rug. It's on clearance :)

  4. I love this rug! Too bad it can't be ordered from Canada.

    I wanted to let you know I gave you an award on my blog, be sure to check it out!:

  5. Hi there-- Came over here when a reader of yours who's also a friend of mine sent me a link about the whole stealing pictures thing. So then I looked back at some older posts to "see what all the fuss was about" and wow -- your posts are amazing. The activities you do with O are indeed so so inspirational!!!

    Good luck working through your thoughts on what you'll do long term. I can certainly see why so many would be so sad to see you go!
