Monday, January 25, 2010

Paper Plate Faces

O and I made the paper plate faces for "baby sister." O made the one on the far right, and I love it. She said he's grumpy :) E enjoys looking at the faces. We play peek-a-boo with them and talk about the different feelings.


  1. Those are so cute - If you don't mind, I am going to add a link to this post from my song about feelings - the two ideas go great together.

  2. It's always adorable the first time they start to use feelings to express how they feel. Good idea.

  3. De-lurking to tell you that I added your blog to my blogroll-short-list because of your awesomeness and the inspired approach that you take to mothering! Thanks!

  4. I love that I could go to my kitchen and grab plates and markers to do these, no trip to the store needed.

    I'm a new reader to your blog and have loved looking at the great ideas you've written about. These activities help me keep my kids busy and happy!

  5. I have made some very similar face puppets with paper plates and attached popsicle sticks to them . My dtr loves them.
