Sunday, October 9, 2011

We're Going On A Bear Hunt (BFIAR)

The girls and I completed our first Before Five in a Row book a couple of weeks ago. Our first BFIAR book was We're Going on a Bear Hunt! This book has been a favorite of O(5) and E(2) for years, and we thoroughly enjoyed reading it (almost) everyday for 2 weeks (I decided to be very relaxed with this, so we read the book for 2 weeks instead of 1). Here are some of our Bear Hunt activities...

E loved matching colored bears to their appropriate circles.

They loved putting the bears in order according to size (via Homeschool Creations).

We did a science experiment with gummy bears (via Sandbox Scholars). First, we measured a gummy bear.

We put one gummy bear in each bowl. The bowls each had a different liquid in them...white vinegar, water, and salt water. We planned to measure the bears after they sat overnight, but they basically dissolved.

O loved putting the pictures in order (according to the book) and matching the phrases to the pictures (via

They loved playing the Bear Hunt board game (via Homeschool Creations).

O enjoyed tracing the Bear Hunt words, tracing lines, and Bible verse.

We spent A LOT of time playing with this dressing bears puzzle. E REALLY loved it!

O had fun counting teddy grahams, and then both girls had fun eating them!

The girls LOVED listening to our cd version of Bear Hunt, AND they acted out the Bear Hunt during their tumbling class. E was SO excited. When she came out of class, she ran to me with a huge grin on her face and said "We went on a bear hunt!!!" SO much fun!

I almost forgot the girls' favorite activity...I read the Bear Hunt book "opposite style!" They thought this was hilarious! Here's an example of what I said "We're going on a cricket hunt. It's going to be a tiny one. What a nasty day! We're SO scared!" As I'm writing this, O(5) is coloring and reciting opposite Bear Hunt stories. She has no idea that I'm writing this, so it's just a coincidence :)

We also had fun "splash sploshing" through the water and "squelch sqerching" through the mud.


  1. What wonderful activities to go along with the book! I love the idea of using teddy grahams for counters! I featured your numbers and counters photo in my DIY Cards and Counters post at

  2. We have the dressing bears puzzle too! We used it when we did Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear? from Before Five in a Row. Love the other activities you paired with Going on a Bear Hunt!

  3. What fun to revisit your post! I featured your post and photo in my Montessori-Inspired Literature-Based Activities at
