Sunday, October 9, 2011


I've finally joined pinterest! I could waste so many hours on there! I'm still figuring out how to use it, and I'm annoyed by the automatic pins that were added when I joined (and not really sure how to get them off). My username is chasingcheerios, so stop by and give me some good ideas!


  1. ME TOO!!!! So addicting and yet so inspirational! I'm TheActivityMom on pinterest. what's your name on there?

  2. ME THREE!!!!!! I love pintrest! I am still working it all out too! I am headed off to follow you! I am Steph Stasa.

  3. Where's your "follow me on pinterest" button?

    Of course I don't have mine up either, so I'm guilty of not having it either.

  4. Ticia- Just added it! Thanks for the suggestion!

  5. I'm on my way there to add you. :)

  6. LOL! Sorry for reminding you about it yesterday! But glad you're back on it. So great seeing everyone yesterday! The girls just keep getting cuter every time!

  7. Removing people you don't want to follow is easy enough: Click on your name at the top right-hand corner of the screen, which should bring you to your profile. From there,you should be able to see "(x) followers, (x) following". Click that second one, and a list of all the people you're following appears.

    Then it's as simple as clicking the greyed-out 'following' button for each person you don't want to follow!

  8. So happy to hear you're there! I follow you through Google reader, but I upgraded to using Pinterest today to bookmark all my favorite activities I come across on the blogosphere!

  9. I've been wanting to join pinterest for a while now and after seeing your post about getting an account I went ahead and requested for an invite. my name is romanasayeed and I totally understand what you mean about wasting a lot of time on there. It's really interesting and there are so many DIY/craft projects I want to do. will go and follow you!
    take care
    Romana (from India)
    P.S. I really love your blog and how you're bringing up your children. It's given me and my sister lots of great ideas for my two year old niece. thank you
