Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Yoga for Toddlers

We started doing yoga with O this week, and it is so much fun. Its sleepy time yoga, so we do it before nap and at bedtime. Last night, O's daddy joined us, and she thought that was great. We are so glad that Aunt Bobby ordered this great book for the library, but I think we may have to get a copy for ourselves.


  1. I know this is an old post but I am curious about the yoga book you are using. Could you post the name or email it to me?

  2. Here it is http://www.amazon.com/Sleepy-Little-Yoga-Toddlers-Book/dp/0805081933/ref=sr_1_10?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1228695593&sr=8-10
