Saturday, January 5, 2008

Art Activity

I'm trying to do more arts and crafts activities with O, and this was what we did on Friday. My boss gave me a glass Christmas platter with a raised scene, so we did a crayon rubbing of the scene. It would have turned out better if I had taped the paper to the platter, but we still had lots of fun, and O was very proud to show her art to her daddy when he got home from work.


  1. Wow! You are amazing! What a wonderful blog for me to happen upon this morning. Thank you for the inspiring ideas and for sharing of your self. May I add you to my Blogs that I love list? Come and visit me at Montessori Mama when time allows.
    In PEACE
    aka Montessori Mama

  2. Thanks! I'm already a frequent visitor of your blog (I try to check it everyday)! I'd love for you to add me to your blog list. I'd like to add you to mine (if its ok) if I ever get time to figure out how to make a longer list.
