Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Shape Puzzle

O enjoyed her shape puzzle on Monday. She can put the circles in quickly and easily, but the other shapes take a little more concentration and effort. We had a very busy Monday. We took a brief walk (it was cold and windy, so we came home quickly), played outside on O's slide, collected acorns, rocks, and twigs for the "I Spy" bottle I'm making, played with playdoh, colored, walked the line (well... I walked the line and O just kept falling in the wa-wa! She clearly doesn't get that the purpose is to NOT fall in the water! What a silly monkey.), transferred water with the sponge, did the straw activity, O helped wash dishes and cook breakfast and supper while in the Kitchen Helper, and we read at least 30 books. Phew!!! I was tired by the time dh got home!


  1. Hi Melissa!
    Where did you get this shape puzzle? Has O continued to enjoy it since then?
    Thanks, Miri

  2. I *think* I ordered it from Amazon. It's made by Guidecraft, and it only cost around 10 or 12 dollars (I think I had a coupon code). I gave it to O for Christmas, so she was about 18 months old. She actually likes it much more now than she did then. Hope that helps!

  3. Thanks a lot! I've found it!!! Just that nowadays it costs 17.64$ :). We've received Plan Toys shape puzzle as a gift, but it looks much smaller that yours (6.3 x 6.3 x 2.9 inches comparing to Guidecraft's 9.8 x 8.5 x 3.8 inches). I am not sure if it is not too small and unsteady. I am hesitating about ordering the one you have instead.Thanks again for your help!
