Sunday, March 30, 2008

Felt Cookies

Since O will be getting a kitchen set for her 2nd birthday in July, I decided to go ahead and start making felt food for her. I had a great time making these cookies (with my mom's help because I CANNOT do a decent blind stitch!), and they were super easy to make (except for the blind stitch). O doesn't get to eat cookies very often. In fact, I think she's only had one chocolate cookie in her life, but I know she'll love pretending to eat them. Next on my list to make are fried eggs, pancakes, bow tie pasta, ravioli, linguine, cheese quesadilla, cupcakes, carrots, carrot slices, banana slices, bread, tomato slices, lettuce, cheese, etc. I think all of those foods will be fairly easy to make and then maybe I'll branch out to the more difficult items. If anyone has any experience making felt food, I need all the suggestions and advice I can get. I found a few pictures and patterns on Crafster that I'll use as inspiration, and I'll also look at pictures of felt food at Etsy for ideas.


  1. these are beautiful and look so so yummy! I made some felt donuts awhile back for a little friend's bday. My only advice is to use high quality wool felt as the cheap stuff tends to fall apart after heavy use. I sewed bead "sprinkles" on, too and those eventually all came off. If I were to do it again, I'd really reinforce the stitches on those. Yours look lovely and I agree, I'm not a fan of blind stitching, it's so tedious!

  2. Thanks, Melissa. Unfortunately, the cookies are made with very cheap felt. I haven't been able to find the good stuff. Do you know of a good place online to buy it?
