Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Ice Cube Tray & Clothes Pins Work

My mom found this ice cube tray for water bottles in her cabinet and told me to think of an activity to go with it for O. I immediately thought of clothes pins... they'd fit perfectly. And they did! O had a great time putting the clothes pins in the tray. I only gave her enough for the 1st row to start off with because I thought it would be too overwhelming to have much more than that. I was wrong. She kept asking for more until the entire tray was filled. This is definitely a work that we will do again soon.


  1. Oooh...I love it. Very clever. Will need to try it.

  2. Thanks. I hope you have fun with it!

  3. You always have such great ideas. We tried the toothpick game today, and my son thought it was just about the best thing ever.
