Thursday, April 17, 2008

Loving the Thrift Store

I bought 8 books, 1 shirt, 1 dress type outfit (both for O), and a basket for $3.72! Yay for thrift stores! I also dropped off a bag of stuff we don't need. I'm going to try to take a bag of stuff to donate each week. That way I won't feel so bad about buying things.


  1. Ooooh do I love the thrift store too! I go almost every Monday and almost always leave with some treasure! We actually went today and got a cool I spy game for $.75. I also bought the pirfect tray for the Montessori farm work which is something I plan to present soon. Yipppeeee!

  2. yep - love the thrift store. you asked in another post about Montessori must-haves...have you tried dressing frames? I made some (from Goodwill stuff) and blogged it - check the top of the side bar for "fun posts."
