Friday, April 4, 2008

O Shirts for Our O

My mom and I have been planning on sewing O shirts for O since she was a newborn. 20 months later, we finally got around to it! My mom did the vast majority of the work, since I was feeling lazy this morning. Thanks, mom! O is VERY proud of her O shirts, and she had to wear both of them at once. I can't wait to make more (and maybe I'll help a little more next time!). Oh, notice Guh-guh's pretty barrette in the top picture. O loves to share her barrettes!


  1. I just asked you in another post if you made the shirts...guess I answered my own question! Were they hard? I wonder if my girlie would like a "P" shirt? :)

  2. They were easy to make (of course, I did very little of the work). The most difficult part was sewing around the edges after ironing on the applique.

  3. Great shirts...I think my little guys would love letter shirts.
