Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Muffin Tin Monday (a little late)

When I saw the idea for Muffin Tin Mondays on this blog, I thought it was a GREAT idea, so I decided we'd join in. Today O had cucumbers, grape tomatoes, squash, cheese, avocado, and blue cheese dip-dip for lunch. Surprisingly, she didn't eat everything (normally she would eat everything shown here and ask for more). We'll be out of town next Monday, but we hope to join in on Muffin Tin Mondays again after we return home.


  1. Awesome muffin tin! I'm making the rounds to get ideas for next week. Isn't a GREAT idea?

  2. I love the muffin tin! I need to try that with my girls. (I've read about using an ice cube tray, but there just isn't enough of anything in an ice cube tray.) Thanks for introducing me to this!

  3. yay! thanks for playing!

    What kind of squash did you serve and how do you prepare it? Seems like a good food to try. They like it as babies, right? Avocado is a great idea too.

    Look forward to your next tin!


  4. That's wonderful that she usually eats such healthy foods!
