Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Peek-A-Boo Book

To make a peek-a-boo book you need a small notebook, old magazines with interesting pictures, glue, and scissors. I bought this felt covered notebook from the dollar shelf at Jo Ann's several months ago with the intention of making this book. I cut out pictures that I knew that O would find interesting- babies, animals, trees, food, etc, and my mom glued the pictures on every other page one night while she was here. I put the book away for the night and forgot about it for about 2 months. Last night I "found" it and cut the pages between the pictures into strips of 2 or 3. I showed O how to slowly and carefully turn just one strip at a time while trying to guess what the picture was. I was afraid that she would not be interested at all, but she really enjoyed guessing what the pictures were. I wish that the pages were cardstock instead of notebook paper because I'm sure that the pages are going to tear very easily. She also had trouble turning the pages on her own since they are so thin.


  1. Great idea for a homemade book! We'll have to try making one. :)

  2. That's a great idea. THANKS for posting it!

  3. What an excellent project idea! Thank you for sharing!:)

  4. thanks for all of the great tips and ideas! I love this idea of peek-a-boo books, and know that I would have the same problem with my daughter. What if you skipped more than one page and glued them together to make them thicker before you cut them,or even better, glued a piece of construction paper/cardstock to either side of the page, and then cut it? Would that help? Just a thought! I am going to try this soon. I am making a tu-tu as we speak! Thanks again!

  5. I am making a book using 4x6 index cards. I will use a hole punch and ring clips. Easy to change out as kids grow.
