Monday, June 9, 2008

Unplug Your Kids: Sticky

The unplugged theme this week is sticky, so I decided that we would finally make a tissue and contact paper collage (I've been planning to do this for a while!). My sister thought I was strange when I gathered all of the tissue paper from her daughter's bday presents and brought it home with me, but I had a plan :)
O tried to cut the tissue paper first, but she quickly decided that it was easier and more fun to tear the paper.
I taped a piece of contact paper (sticky side up) to a placemat, and she placed the tissue paper on the contact paper.
After she finished, I put a 2nd piece of contact paper on top of her work.
We hung the finished project on the sliding glass door. O was VERY proud!


  1. I have to say that I think clear contact paper is one of my must haves in crafting. Great Project.

  2. We have placemats that my daughter and I made using this method for Valentine's Day. If you're not afraid of glitter, it's a nice accent and keeps them interested too!

    I love the name of your site, by the way...I found a cheerios t-shirt today at Goodwill...for me, that is!


  3. I wonder if this would work with leaves and flowers? It would be great for our nature study this summer!

  4. Your daughter is very cute (very similar to my almost 2 yr old)! Yours is the 3rd project with the clear contact paper, I better look for it next time I'm at the store so we can try it.

  5. We've done this one too. It is fun. I've also done it by gluing the tissue paper to wax paper. My daughter likes that better - I think because then she has an excuse to play with glue too!

  6. That is lovely! And what fun she is having.

    I have to admit that I have never used clear contact paper. Next time I am at the store, I am going to try and find some though. How can I live another day without it?

    Thanks for another idea for my "to try" list!
