Sunday, July 20, 2008

Baking for the Party

My mom came to stay with us for a few days before O's party to help us get ready. Thanks, Guh-guh! My mom and O are baking peanut butter cookies to use for the ice-cream sandwiches
Mixing up Cheerio treats with sprinkles
Making #2 sugar cookies
O was very proud of these cookies, and she definitely know the number 2 now! She kept asking for "more number 2 cookie, please."
Decorating the cookies.


  1. I stumbled across your blog a few weeks ago and I love reading about O's adventures! Where did you get the adorable baker's hat?

  2. we did this too... our daughters birthdays are so similar - we must have gleaned the same ideas of the net... but my cookie cutter number 2 is very small, so I made number 2s and the letters of her name sugar cookies and we all ate them for breakfast ( a new tradition) I think the older my older girls liked it too (the birthday girl just licked the icing)

    we also made a pinata but only cause the older two said we have to (I said it is a 2 year old party) but they didnt care as we often make pinatas for easter and birthdays... it is so much fun.

    you are such a good mom... pat on the back for all your hard work.

  3. how sweet!!!! those are great party food too! my oldest is coming up in a month the party that is her bday itsn't till the end of august anyway i might have to have her make number 8 cookies, and ice cream sandwich cookies too!!

    hope O had a great party and got lots of neat goodies!

  4. What a fun time!

  5. Hi!
    I found your blog looking for activity bag ideas. THANK YOU for all of the great activities for kids. I think we are going to try the pinata next!

  6. It is BabyEbi's birthday next week and we are going camping with friends at the weekend so we made a pinata football, I am just hoping it will work and the kids don't break their toes LOL.
    Love O's hat, I have been trying to figure out how to make one for babyEbi.

  7. hi i just happen to came across your blog while serching for toddler activities mine is just 18 months old how old is O coz i dont want to indulg my kiddi into stuff she cant handle and get frustrated hope to hear from you soon
    can you mail me your replay at
    love the activities you two r doing
    have fun

  8. hi i just happen to came across your blog while serching for toddler activities mine is just 18 months old how old is O coz i dont want to indulg my kiddi into stuff she cant handle and get frustrated hope to hear from you soon
    can you mail me your replay at

    love the activities you two r doing
    have fun

  9. Thanks for the comments!
    Erika- The baker's hat came in a set with O's apron from Target.
    Jo- We used the pattern from The Creative Family by Amanda Soule to make O's crown. You could probably draw your own pretty easily :) I can't wait to see what you come up with, and I hope you'll post pics of BabiEbi's pinata football!
