Monday, July 21, 2008

A Few Birthday Party Activities

I had several different activities set up around the yard during O's birthday party.
O's birthday ring- I LOVE her birthday ring. It makes me happy to just look at it :)
O is decorating her hat and bag with fabric markers. The kids used the bags for their pinata prizes.
Playing in the sandbox was fun!
The kids loved the pool. They floated and fished with a magnetic rod and reel fishing set that I bought from Target (for 4 dollars!).


  1. I love O in her crown... my daughter wouldnt wear hers and cried if i tried to put it on her... it was my first crown, so i was a little disappointed... but there is always next year... and her sisters who are 5 and 7... they might like it...

  2. Happy Birthday! Looks like a great day with lots of fun. Love the birthday ring.
