Thursday, July 24, 2008

Homemade Christmas

I've been reading about people getting ready for Christmas on several blogs lately. At 1st I was surprised, but now I realize that I REALLY need to get started if I want to have everything made in time without a lot of stress. I wasn't planning on starting until October, but I realize now that is too late! Here's my list for O: baby doll cradle (Elliott will help with this one), baby doll quilt, baby doll diaper bag (my mom will help with those), playdoh (pumpkin pie scented, cinnamon scented, and gingerbread scented), memory game (using scrapbook paper decopaged onto wooden pieces), frog and lily pad game, a couple of books, felt play food, etc. I also plan on making (with O's help) gifts for her grandparents and aunts and uncles. I can't list them here since they all read this blog :) What are you planning on making for Christmas gifts this year?


  1. When I started my christmas in July posts.. I thought it was normal.. until the americans reading roared with laughter

    here in australia it is cold at the moment (winter) at christmas it is hot VERY HOT.. we swim and eat icecream etc (basically what you do at summer) yet we still have all the same christmas movies,and cards advertising as the northern hemisphere - snow, hot drinks, santa, woolly hats, scarves... etc etc.. very out of place...

    so it is common to see "Christmas in July" parties, dinners (so it is cool enough to eat roast dinners) advertising at the shops etc... I thought it was the world over but found maybe it is just australia???

    Love your list.. yes and I have to get started... if you have more than 20 things to make (thats about how many weeks are left you better start...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. wow! i have a great list in my head of what i need to get started on for Christmas gifts but then I read all these other ideas and more things start to pop into my head. I'm going to have to start a list next to my computer! I am doing some embroidered tea towels for family, an apron for family and for my kids hopefully a puppet theater and some puppets. I love the idea of a family matching memory game. I might have to do that too!

  4. I love the family memory game idea, too. Its an idea I've been thinking about for a while, and I've bought the wood, but I've never gotten around into cutting it into pieces for the game. I think it would be fun to have pictures of family in different situations (birthday parties, christmas, vacations, etc), so that when you make the match, you can also share the memory :) Maybe I should go ahead and make this, too. Thanks for the reminder, Shannon!!! I'm getting really excited about this game as I'm thinking more about it. Maybe I should make one for my niece, too...

  5. We have had Christmas in July sometimes at churches, etc. But more to emphasize that christmas needs to be year round. (esp cause its just a celebration thing, not anywhere near the exact day of His birth) Not because it feels chily or anything.

    And occasionally stores will do "Christmas in July" to advertise fantastic deals.

  6. yep i'm excited to about the memory matching game i need to do one for my nephew on my side and niece and 2 nephews on my hubbys side!

    oh i'm getting ready to post the alphabet books 1st page on my teaching blog today i thin it turned out check it out and let me know what you think!!

  7. i deleted this i had tons of typos and my little ones name so here it is again corrected sorry for the mess:

    well for me i'm making my youngest: a family matching game ( using pictures of family members on pieces of wood or foamboard) the really cool alphabet book i blogged about (almost ready to put together Aa), some foam food, playdough, paint, and a kitchen ( homemade its on the family fun site) oh i'm also going to finish the rest of the activity in a bags i never got in the swap!

    for my oldest i don't know that is harder cuz she si going to be 8 in august and unless i can make the jonas brothers appear before her
    eyes i can't think of anything to make so i'm still thinking!

    for the grandparents (we don't exchange with our siblings to keep expenses down) they are going to make these really cool clocks i found on a blog using records, and cd's ( i need to get to a thrift store soon to buy some records!)
