Monday, July 14, 2008

Muffin Tin Monday

Here's O's Muffin Tin lunch for today- tomato sandwich triangle, cucumber slices and mini pickles, grape tomatoes and banana pepers, raisins, avocado, and grilled chicken. She was SO excited about her muffin tin lunch today!


  1. yummy can i come over for lunch! heheee! looks good!!!! i need to go buy some small muffin tins!

  2. So delicious looking! I love your blog, you have introduced me to some great activities to use with my 2 year old, and my 5 month old when he gets a bit older. Thanks for taking the time to share.

  3. wow, i feel like such a slacker mom..that muffin tin is a great idea. i try to present my daughter different food on a large steel plate(common in my home country, India) and she enjoys seeing all the different things, but I usually manage only 3 things, the 6 different partitions must be so fun! Thanks also for the foam boat idea, will try t for my daughter's bday this weekend=)
