Friday, July 11, 2008

Postcard Book

The idea for making this postcard book has been bouncing around in my brain for months, so I'm so glad to finally have it made! I added a piece of cardstock to the left side of each of O's postcards and laminated them. Then I cut the cards out of the lamination, punched the holes, added the rings, and now she has a book of postcards! Yay! Most of the postcards are from her grandparents from their various vacations. I've also started getting postcards whenever we travel, and I write a few lines about what we did and what O liked about each place. It's an easy way to create a vacation memory book, and hopefully I can get Elliott to participate, too. Since I used ring binders, it will be very easy to add new postcards to the book.

O likes looking at her postcard book, and her favorite page is the postcard from Disneyland :) I'm not sure why she surrounded herself with the bowling game bottles when she sat down to read. Silly girl :)


  1. I love the postcard book idea! What a great momento from a trip - and a cheap and easy to store souvenir!

  2. Melissa- another great book- you have amazing ideas. I ordered some blank board books to make a couple for Aanya and I just wanted to clarify the process as I know you mentioned that putting a layer of mod podge on top of the pictures was not a good idea. Is there anything else you put on top to protect the images? Thanks in advance. Is there some website that I can go for step by step instructions...

  3. ps- I don't know of a website, but I can tell you how I made mine. I printed the pictures, and cut around the images using a pair of small, fine point scissors. Then I used mod podge to glue the pictures to the pages. I coated the picture on the cover with a layer of mod podge to protect it, but if I'd used mod podge within the book, the pages would've stuck to each other. I recently bought a bottle of clear acrylic high gloss sealer made by tree house studio, but I haven't tried it yet. I'll try to remember to post about it after I use it, but please remind me if I forget :)

  4. thanks for those instructions Melissa. I just found your blog and am totally addicted as you can probably tell from my unending questions.

    Thanks for all the great ideas.

  5. ps- I'm glad you like it, and you're welcome :)
