Thursday, July 3, 2008

Unplug Your Kids: Garden

I wasn't planning on doing the unplugged challenge this week since we've just returned from vacation (Tuesday night), and I'm still trying to get back into our routine. Then I saw that the theme is garden, and that's just so easy that I couldn't pass it up. We just did our normal thing, so I guess that's really cheating :)
Checking the garden this morning. Can you believe our squash plant? That's just 1 plant!
We picked 4 squash and one cucumber this morning. There are about 6 more squash that will be ready this afternoon or in the morning, and I forgot to check the bell pepper and banana pepper plants. We'll have to go work in the garden and check on the container garden on the deck when O wakes up from her nap.


  1. AMAZING squash plant!!! Nope, I don't think your cheating...but I'm not the authority on Unplugged Projects. Your garden is lovely.

  2. wow your so lucky our garden didn't do godo this year we've had sucha soggy season it drowned everything!
