Saturday, August 9, 2008

Stephanie at Montessori Free Fall had a great idea that I'm copying (I hope she doesn't mind!). Lots of people have been asking questions on the blog, and I try to answer everything in the comments section. However, I don't always see the comments (they are sometimes sent to my junk mail), so I may miss a few. Also, I don't know if you remember to check back in the comments section to see if I've answered your question. So... I've created a Chasing Cheerios email address. If you have any questions about anything at all, then you can just email me and I'll email you back with the answer :) Hopefully, that will make it easier on the readers and me! Thanks, Stephanie, for this great idea!


  1. Of course I don't mind, you're welcome!

  2. Maybe every so often you could do a FAQ post?

  3. Hi,
    I second the FAQ post idea.

    I am a regular reader of your blog although this is the first time I have commented. Thank you for sharing your ideas through this blog. I am looking forward to doing many of them with my daughter.

    It has been helpful to read other people's questions and your answers to them and so if like amber mentioned, you could do a FAQ post, that will be awesome. I am sure there will be at some similar questions and then we could check on the FAQs section before emailing you.

    Thank you so much

  4. I have been following your blog and love all the great ideas you have for little ones! I have a 3 year old boy and is nice to have new craft ideas to share with him. Thanks!

  5. Great idea! I'll definitely do a FAQ post every so often :) Thanks for the comments, and I've already gotten my 1st email!
