Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Magic Folding Blocks

I saw this on Thingamambaby and since I had all of the materials, I decided to give it a try! The cube was surprisingly simple and fast to make. I think it took around 15 to 20 minutes, and most of that was spent trying to find the stickers. Elliott was very impressed, but I haven't shown it to O yet. I just hope she won't try to pull the blocks apart!
Here are the very detailed instructions that Thingamambaby linked to. Thanks to Thingamambaby for this great idea! I think this will make a fun, homemade Christmas gift!

Gracie loved it, too!


  1. where did you find the wooden cubes?

  2. so cool and i hve some from hobby lobby that i bought to make dice! thanks for the idea!

  3. love this one; but also really liked the one you did with the illustrations! Thanks for some great Christmas ideas!

  4. Very cool. I love it!

    Would love to find some wooden cubes as well.

    Thank you for all your great ideas. I visit your blog often for inspiration.

  5. Thanks for all of the comments! These blocks are smaller than the storybook puzzle blocks, and they came from Casey's Wood Products
