Monday, August 18, 2008

Muffin Tin Monday

O was excited about Muffin Tin Monday today. She had bell pepper strips, frozen blueberries, cantalope, pizza pocket (made in our sandwich maker with whole wheat bread with spaghetti sauce in the middle), cottage cheese, and mini dill pickles. She LOVED the pickles and was disappointed that these were the last 3.


  1. Mmm that looks yummy!

  2. frozen blueberries! Now, why didn't I ever think of that!!! brilliant!

  3. What a great idea! I can't wait to check out more of your blog. I can see myself using a lot of your ideas with our 2 1/2 year-old. Thank you for sharing.

  4. I just found your blog, and I'm so thrilled! I saw this post, and ran over to crate & barrel dot com to order some blue silicone muffin tins! I'm so excited (my non-stick always end up rusting anyway). Thank you for a wonderful blog. I'm also a homeschooling mommy, and hope to use a bit of unschooling/montessori in the beginning.

  5. i found your blog through The Artful Parent. I heard about giving toddlers food in muffin tins through Dr. Sears, but I haven't tried it yet. Mine is still likely to sling it across the room! Yours looks very nice.

  6. Great idea! Pizza sandwiches - now how come I've never thought of that? Love it!
