Thursday, September 11, 2008

Blogging Through Flickr

I'm experimenting with blogging through flickr (since I'm running out of space on blogger). The problem is that I can't figure out how to save my posts as drafts instead of posting them immediately. I really prefer to do most of my blog posts at one time and then posts them once or twice a day. So...if anyone has any tips, I'd really appreciate it! Thanks!


  1. What do you mean, you're running out of space on blogger? Do they limit you? Getting nervous hearing that bc I have a large blog! Email me to let me know.


  2. how do you check how much space you have?? can you just delete some old post??

  3. This is not a very good solution but just throwing it out there - create another account at blogger (using a different gmail account than the current one - of course that means your address will change and you can leave a note on chasing cheerios saying that this is the new address at which you will be blogging). I dont know about blogging through flickr and so I cant be of help there...sorry

  4. Hi there! Love your blog...your ideas inspire me. I can't wait till my 8 month old is ready to have some fun with your activities.

    I can't offer much help with blogging through Flicker, but here is what I have done with my blog. I open all my pictures with the Paint program and resize them and save as a different name. This changes the file size dramatically. Second, there is a way to schedule the publishing of a post. If I have a couple great posts I write them up and instead of saving as a draft or publishing I select "Post Options." It's under the text box, just above the publish or save now buttons. A drop down menu appears and you just change the date and time of the post to when you want it to publish. When you are finished hit the publish button and it will say "Your post is scheduled to be published." I love the feature...takes the stress out of blogging!

    Sorry for the novel, if you have questions, email me!

    Good luck!

  5. You could also get your own website, seems to be available, and post a blog on there along with other pages. The cost is very inexpensive these days. I do this and use wordpress for my blogging software. Most of my main site is down for a revamp but the blog is up and you can check it out at

  6. hi mellisa
    i think u can save your posts as drafts( i just found out this)
    go to the "settings" on ur dashboard click "e mail" then there is this option " mail blogger address" under this they gave the option to "save post as draft".
    have u checked that out?
    you can also go to photoshop and save your pics as " save for web" then the size will be reduced almost 10 times. it will save you space
    All the best

  7. Hi,
    I am actually in a similar situation as you, and I am currently making the switch to flickr too. I've been digging around to figure out how to post multiple photos in an entry. What I've found with flickr is that when you are on the picture you would like to blog, go to the top right corner of the screen where it says "share this". From there, click on the embed this button and you can then copy and paste the html into the 'edit html' screen of blogger when you are writing a post (not the 'compose' view). Then you will be able to save and edit your posts in blogger as normal. I hope this helps!
