Monday, September 15, 2008

Making Shapes

Making Shapes, originally uploaded by omamom16.

Since O is still learning her shapes (she knows most of them, but she does need to practice!), I thought this would be a good activity for her. The idea for this came from Lapaz Home Learning. To make this activity, you need tongue depressors, stickers, and a pen. I didn't make a control shape at 1st, and O had a bit of trouble making her triangle. She did MUCH better after she had a model to look at so that she could check her work. I originally planned on glueing the control, but then I decided to use velcro to connect the tongue depressors so that I could take it apart for storage. I've also made a rectangle and plan to make a diamond.

Please excuse the off center photo. It's another problem that I'm having when blogging through Flickr :)


  1. so cool i made these too! she likes them too but her fave shape is a non stick shape circles! she loves circles and hearts!

  2. what a great idea! I was just thinking that I needed to work on shapes with my 2 year old.

  3. Thanks so much!! I just adore this and will be making some soon.

  4. This is a great idea! I'm gdefinitely going to try this.

  5. As always, Great idea!!
    Thanks for sharing with us.

  6. Great idea - thanks so much for sharing, I think I have most of these things at home already (woohoo)

  7. This is such a fantastic way to teach children shapes! I like how each shape has its own designated color. Great idea!!

    I used your idea for the memory game on my blog: last week- you come up with such creative activities!

  8. your blog is amazing. . .i've been reading your posts off and on all day!

    i'm so excited to do some of these projects with my oldest son!

    thank you so much for sharing!

  9. I loved the Making Shapes idea and used it on my blog this week:

    Thanks for all your great ideas!

  10. Great idea! Where did you find the small colored circle stickers?
