Monday, September 29, 2008

You May Have Noticed...

that things on this blog have slowed down a bit lately. However, I do have a really good reason, I promise! O is going to be a big sister!!! She is SUPER excited, and she has already decided that I am having 2 babies, and their names are Mimi and Buddy. She is planning on nursing the babies (although I REALLY think it's just 1!). She loves to hug, kiss, and pat my belly. She has a great stethoscope, and she loves to listen to my tummy. She tells me that she hears the baby laughing and crying, and she says that HER belly says "All aboard the choo-choo train." Silly girl :) I've been extremely exhausted for about the past 5 weeks and very sick for the past 3. Hence, the slow down! O has done a great job taking care of me. She loves to do little things to "make mama feel bettah."


  1. Congrats Melissa - how exciting! :) Hope you get through the sick part soon!

  2. congrats.. a very exciting time

    though I dont envy that morning (all day) sickness.. which has put me off having number 4!! heehee

  3. Congratulations! I found that ginger altoids (or ginger almost anything - ginger candy, ginger beer) and sour candy are really helpful for morning sickness (all day for me too). I kept ginger altoids and sour patch kids with me all the time. I also found watermelon to be great in keeping the nausea down. Congratulations and good luck!

  4. Congratulations!! My oldest said I was having "lots of babies" when she became a big sister. We laughed when I found out I was having twins!!

    Hope you start feeling better soon.

  5. wow congratulations! Hope you are feeling better soon!

  6. That's wonderful news! I wish you all the best.

  7. Oh, what wonderful news! So happy for you!

  8. Congratulations! How sweet! Best of luck to you. :)

  9. Congratulations! I hope it passes soon- I too remember trying to juggle a child and morning sickness... no fun! But totally worth it :)
    I'm glad O is excited!

  10. How wonderful!!!
    I am very happy for you and hope that this passes fast. ;)

    Hang in there.

  11. What a blessing! She wants to nurse the babies .. . .that's so sweet.

  12. Congratulations! I am so sorry about the morning sickness. I was sick until the third trimester with my second and it was misery.

    Sour candy to suck on was my life saver!

  13. Congratulations! That's wonderful news.

  14. congratulations! i'm glad O is being such a good helper! My oldest was too little to help when I was sick and pregnant and so I'm glad you have her there with you making it a bit easier! :)

  15. I am so happy for you!!!
    Congratulations and lots of good luck!

  16. HI, I have been a long time "lurker" and lover of your site and have your link on mine... for a long time. I love your activities with O and love reading about how to do motessori better. Thanks for your blog...

    and i had to comment this time and say congrats!!! I pray you start feeling better soon!

  17. OMG, congratulations and god bless!

  18. Wow, Congratulations!!

  19. Congratulations - hopefully you'll be feeling back to your normal (well not pukey) self soon!

  20. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!

  21. It worked really well for us to get my son a doll before we had his brother (when he was 21 months old). He also has a little boppy pillow (a travel neck pillow) and feeds his baby while I am feeding my baby. He also will let me use my pump, but only if he gets to also "make milk" for the baby from his tummy too.

  22. Congratulations! That's exciting. I don't think I could keep up with my 3 year old and be pregnant again! Make sure you take care of yourself and get as much sleep as possible!

  23. Wow! Thanks, everyone! I've had a rough couple of days, but surely this baby will give me a break soon...

  24. Congratulations! I hope the morning sickness part passes soon. :)

  25. Congratulations! What great news. I have a 4 month old and a daughter who will be two this month. It has been a challenge but an even greater joy. How wonderful that you have your mom to help and encourage. She is a great blessing to you, it seems. I took double doses of Vitamin B-6 and magnesium every day which (after a week or so) really cut down on the morning sickness.

  26. Congratulation Melissa! And O too! She is going to be a big sister. This period of time is also a great learning time for both of you, wish you all the best!

  27. congratulations! i read your blog all the time and have tried some of the awesome activities with my 2 year old. He's not as patient and focused as O but we're working on it. Thanks for doing this blog. I've passed it to on to many of my mom friends!


  28. CONGRATS!!!!!! I hope you feel better soon. Remember it's worth it in the end. Having a new baby is all the more exciting when you have a toddler to share it with!

  29. Congratulations! What an exciting time for your family!

  30. Congratulations! That's awesome, and how fun for O!

  31. Congratulations! That's wonderful news. I hope the sickness is behind you soon.

  32. Wow, just catching up on blogs and saw your happy news! Hope you have a smooth pregnancy!

  33. 45 comments!!! I can't believe it :) Thanks for all of the well wishes! I really appreciate it :)

  34. Congratulations!

    When are you expecting O's baby sister/brother?
