Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I Love Mod Podge!

IMG_9170 (Large), originally uploaded by omamom16.

I found these unfinished wooden animals at Michael's months ago and thought they'd make great baby gifts. Since then I've been trying to decide how to paint them. I finally decided to decopage them using scrapbook paper, and I'm so happy with how they turned out :) These 2 cuties will be headed to 2 sweet California girls soon!

Again...I am very frustrated by the off center picture. If you'd like to see the whole picture just click on it. Sorry!


  1. How cute are they? I have a new nephew coming in January that they would be perfect for. Thanks for another great idea.

  2. I THINK -- if you choose a "stretch" format for your blog.. your pictures will show up in their entirety.

    I could see the whole pic on my google reader... just f.y.i.

    Cute animals b.t.w. Ü

  3. I wanted to let you know that the photos don't look off center in Google Reader. I suspect they're off center on your blog because they're too wide. If you resize the photos, or add a width=400 or whatever size in the html, the photos should show up smaller, but at least they'll fit. Of course, maybe someone already suggested this and it didn't work. -Lilly

  4. These are very cute. Just so you know, the pictures come up perfect on Bloglines. I have no idea what that means or how to fix it, though!

  5. Oh the off centered photos give it an artsy look. (And with google reader I get the whole photo so I had to click through to see problem anyway!

    They are totally cute!

  6. Oh those are just adorable! I'm not sure if you use Wordpress...that's what I use, and I resize my images to be 5" wide before I upload/publish them. It's the perfect size for my template. Perhaps it will work for you too? Good luck!

  7. The other comments are right. The pics are cutoff b/c your blog is set to a certain width. You can make it wider by changing the code, or you can resize the pics to fit the width (about 400 pixels wide on your blog) before you put them on flickr. If you are on Windows you can resize the pics with a program called irfanview. It's free. On Mac you can resize them with Preview. If you need more help just shoot me some email! I dealt with the same thing on my blog, but I just made my blog wider to accommodate the pics. Sorry for the novel - hope I helped some! And I love your blog! :)

  8. Oh, these are so cute! You did a great job!

  9. oh these are so cute- what did you use for the wheels?

  10. I love these! I totally have to make these for baby #2 this year for Christmas! And CONGRATULATIONS on your baby number 2!!! That is so exciting! And thanks for the comment about finding the zebra at walmart. I will definately be checking them out!


  11. I love the off centered picture - it's so cute. I love the paper choices, you are so crafty!

  12. These are ADORABLE!!!!!
    Very cute. :)
    Hope you are feeling good.


  13. What a cute gift!

    About the pictures-I suspect the problem may be that the pictures are wider than the width of the main section of your blog. I right clicked on your page to view the "page source" and it looks like your main width is 410px. See below:

    #main-wrapper {
    width: 410px;

    That 410px is the maximum width that your pictures can be without them being cut off and off center. The picture you posted for today's post, for example, is 500px wide (again, I found this by right clicking on it and selecting properties). In order to fix this, you simple need to resize the images so that they are no wider than 410px (I'd probably go with 400px to be on the safe side). You can resize images through flickr by using the program called Picnik (picknik (dot) com). I hope that helps!

  14. These are too cute, I am wondering what you used for the wheels also? congrats on #2 also, it is great your daughter is already excited!

  15. Thanks for the comments! I used acrylic craft paint on the wheels and actually on the whole thing before I put the scapbook paper on it. Then I coated the entire thing with mod podge to protect it and give it a glossy look.

  16. melissa- it seemed like the wheels were added on and I was asking what did you use to make them

  17. ps- They weren't added on. The whole thing was put together when I bought it. Unfortunately, I can't find anymore (although luckily I have 3 more that I am making for my own, new baby!), so I may end up making some from scratch. Well...only if I can convince Elliott to help me cut them out. I think I've seen similar wheels for sale at Michael's and maybe at Wal-mart. I'm sure I'll post about it if I ever get around to making more, so I'll let you know how it goes. However, it will definitely be a while since I am continuing to throw up every time I move :) That REALLY slows down productivity!

  18. thanks Melissa. It is just a phase and I hope you feel better soon.
