Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Lotuspad Yoga Mats for Kids...

are 50% off for this week only! I ordered one for O for Christmas last night. I wasn't planning on buying her anything else for Christmas, but I couldn't resist this deal, especially since the mats are PVC-free!

Update: Evidently Lotuspad was running low on the mats, so they ended the sale early. Sorry, everyone! Check the comments section for a comment from the owner of the site.


  1. so what is she getting for chrismtas!!!???

  2. Too much stuff!!! I can't resist a sale, so I buy year round. However, I don't give presents year round, so I save everything for birthday or Christmas. I have things for her that I bought her before she was even born! I'm a little obsessed with toys :) So...she's getting a melissa and doug doorbell dollhouse (I bought this about 3 years ago because I loved it and it was being discontinued), several cooking sets from Target (that I got super cheap last year after Christmas), several games (also super cheap), playdoh accessories (got these at a going out of business sale this summer), and I can't remember what else. That's just the bought stuff! We are making her a baby doll cradle (if I can convince Elliott to help me!), a baby doll quilt to match her "I Spy" quilt, a baby doll diaper bag with several cloth diapers,and a baby doll carrier (if my mom and I can figure out how to make it. She has a sling, but I want something similar to a beco for her). Also, all of the things that I've already posted about - family memory game, scrapbook paper memory game, sticker book, storybook block puzzle, etc. Good grief! That really is too much and that's just from us. I've got to go through and get rid of the things she doesn't play with anymore to make room :)

  3. Is 28$ the normal price or the 50% off price? I followed the link but wasn't able to see any verbage that mentioned the sale... I'm not too computer literate, so am I missing something? Thanks!

  4. Oh, no! That is crazy! When I posted the link the mats were 14 dollars. Now they are back to 28. I'm so sorry!

  5. Hi - I'm the owner of Lotuspad. Thanks so much for the mention on your blog! I took down the sale tonight -bad timing on my part, sorry! I was running super low on the blue mat and won't have any more gender-neutral colors in for a few weeks. If you want one at the sale price, email me at lotuspadyoga [at] gmail [dot] com and I will send you a coupon code for the 50% off.

  6. my dh made a baby doll cradle for my oldest when she was 2 we are giving it to our LO this year! its great i'll post pictures tomorrow so you can see it!
