Thursday, October 9, 2008

O's Montessori Shelf- The Back :)

Here is the back of O's Montessori shelf. This is the side that faces the room for the majority of the time. As you can see, there are 6 clips for displaying artwork. These clips were surprisingly difficult to find, and I was relieved when my mom finally found them for me. Thanks, Mom! O was very excited when she realized that the clips were for hanging her artwork, and she immediately had to make as much art as possible! This was exciting for me since she's not always interested in arts and crafts activities. She REALLY loves coloring with markers, and I think that yesterday was the 1st time that she colored with markers that she didn't also color herself from head to toe (thank goodness, since she is a flower girl in a wedding on Saturday!). On the bottom of the shelf are hooks for hanging activity bags. I have about 6 or 7 bags out, but she usually only chooses the open/close bag and maybe one or two others. I really need to put a few new bags out :)


  1. very cute! i have like 46 activity bags ( froma swap and some i've made)anyway i just put out 3 or 4 a week and rotate them so you might want to try that!

  2. I love your blog and have found it so inspiring for my almost 2 year old. i wanted to know where you got all your ideas from. Is there a particular book that you would recommend? thanks!

  3. Glad that you show us pictures of your Montessori shelf, it give us a better picture of how your home schooling work.

  4. Cute! I need a way to display Violet's artwork and have been thinking of making a "creative wire", basically a different take on an "inspiration wire". Anyway, I don't know if you've seen this blog...
    but I thought I'd pass it along to you, just in case. She has a ton of ideas that you might be able to use.

  5. Great shelf! I love those bags that you have hanging up. I think I have one in every color for Hannah's reading things :)

    I love the clips for displaying artwork - how cool of a mom are you!

  6. Wow! I have been looking off and on for probably a year now about how to incorporate Montessori into homeschooling. Before marriage, I was an aide in a Montessori classroom and liked so much about it. I'm thrilled with your website and have already cut and pasted a few ideas to make. I have a 3.5 yo, a 15 mo, and I'm pregnant. I also live in a foreign country where it's harder to get certain supplies (like the English alphabet, LOL). I have done some "school" with my oldest, but I'm SO looking forward to doing more. Thanks for sharing your journey.

  7. hi, I am reading your blog regularly and love your ideas.. I am looking for these kind of bags where can i get it?

  8. Thanks, everyone.
    Most of my ideas come from other blogs, but I love the book, How to Raise an Amazing Child the Montessori Way.
    Rinku- The bags came from Wal-mart and the dollar tree.
