Sunday, October 5, 2008

Pregnancy Brain

My 1st sign that I was pregnant with #2 happened about 2 months ago when I was at work talking to another psychologist. I was trying to ask her about 2 students that I'd known very well for years and years and I suddenly had NO IDEA what their names were. It was almost scary how blank my mind was, and I realized that it was not normal, and I must be pregnant. Sure enough :) My most recent experience with pregnancy brain was a little more amusing...

We've been at O's Guh-guh and Grandpa's house for the past few days, and yesterday I asked my mom if I could use her deodorant because I'd forgotten mine. She said sure, and I put it on. It was almost O's naptime, so I laid down with her to read books on the futon, and my mom sat nearby in a rocking chair. I noticed that my underarms started feeling VERY cool and tingly. I thought it was strange, but maybe my body was reacting differently to the deodorant since I'm pregnant and I've gotten used to using natural deodorant. However, after 5 more minutes of progessively cooler and tinglyer (is that even a word?) underarms, I said to my mom "this deodorant is very strange. It almost feels like I put Vicks Vapor Rub on under my arms." My mom looked up with a shocked and panicked expression, and said "maybe you did!" We ran back to her bedroom and quickly discovered that I had, in fact, put roll-on Menthol on under my arms. (in my defense, it looks A LOT like my mom's roll on deodorant!). I scrubbed it off, but I still felt cool and tingly for at least 2 hours :) We went back to the front room, and O was sitting up on the futon looking tired and confused while asking "what is it? what is it?" So... that's my craziest pregnancy brain story so far (I'm sure there will be LOTS more), care to share one of yours?


  1. Haven't got time to write out the long version... but I used a cordless phone upside down and couldn't understand why the reception was so bad!

  2. Too funny.
    Thanks for the laugh - talk about feeling minty fresh!!!

  3. Lol! Hey, that's better than just not being able to talk at all. Some people get clutzy in their actions while pregnant. I get clutzy in my speech.

    With my first pregnancy, it was declaring to the waiter, "I'm fun!!!" (he asked if he could take my plate and "I'm finished / done" came out as much more than I expected, lol!

    With Grace, I was lying in bed with my husband about to fall asleep. I leaned over and sweetly asked him if he could "strip my chunk." Then I died laughing knowing I would never live it down if he knew I was really asking him to "strip my TRUNK", my hope chest that badly needed to be refinished.

    So far this pregnancy, I've managed to get by with only vetoing a name for the baby because it was in "Harry Potty" (Harry Potter ;)

  4. These are so funny! I am glad to know that I'm wasn't the only one out there with "Pregnancy Brain". My sister and I talk about "Mommy Brain" now. It means the same thing as pregnancy brain.

    When I was pregnant I was constantly dropping things, like my keys, glasses, etc. I found out (later) that your joints get looser when you are pregnant and that dropping things is "normal"... at least for me it was :)

  5. Hahaha... funny,I'm quite forgetful too when I'm pregnant.

    But the funniest thing is, when I leaned against the table to do some work, my girl kicked my tummy causing me to bounce back from the table.

  6. I was a vegetarian before I was pregnant. But one day my fellow pregnant friend mentioned chicken wings, and I had to have them. I ordered 10 thinking 7 was my max otherwise I would end up sick. I savored and moaned over the 7 and threw the rest in the garbage. Several hours later I was still thinking about the 3 leftovers in the garbage, and when my husband came downstairs- I was eating out of the garbage!!!

  7. Hahaha. so glad that I am not the only one doing crazy things. This morning, I put body wash in my hair instead of shampoo!!! At least I only have 2.5 weeks left until my due date. Who knows what I might do in that time!

  8. I got pregnancy tummy - Iwanted to eat the craziest things - my steering wheel and rubber things in general, coal ( I did nibble occaisionally!) tree bark, soil, charcoal! I can still remeber how BADLY I wanted to eat them, sometimes I would be shaking from the effort of keeping myself from throwing myself face down in a freshly dug flower bed and troughing!!!! That was over three pregnancies but still very weird.

  9. Thanks for sharing your stories!!! It helps to know I'm not the only one who's brain is failing... :)

  10. Funny post! I'm 6 mnths pregnant and have already dropped 2 pickle bottles (on 2 consecutive days!), a bowl of carrot soup and a medium sized yummy chocolate cake which i was trying to push into the fridge with one hand while balancing a bowl of cooked food with another!
