Monday, November 10, 2008

Baby Doll Diapers

IMG_1966 (Large), originally uploaded by omamom16.

My mom and I have been working hard on O's handmade Christmas gifts :) We were glad to finish these baby doll diapers for Baby Emma. I made the small striped on by myself (except for the velcro. My mom sewed it on with the sewing machine after I tacked it). Unfortunately, I always forget about the seam allowance, so it's a tight fit. Fortunately, Baby Emma doesn't mind :) While we were working, my mom tried one of the diapers on Baby Emma, and she was concerned that it gapped a little in the back. I reminded her that we don't have to worry about leaks with these diapers :) I guess she was remembering our days (about 2 years ago) when we made diapers for O. These were MUCH easier, but we both enjoyed making the quilt much more than the diapers :)


  1. those are cute!! She's going to love them.

  2. they are adorable.. you guys rock!! Is there a pattern or did you make it up.. My 2 year old loves babies too... I got her some of those baby bottles that look like they empty when you feed the doll.. these diapers would be good to add to the gift and I will just give back one of her dolls ;)

  3. I love these, I would also like to know if there is a pattern. My three-year-old would love these for christmas, I am trying to make a lot of my kids presents this year too! Thanks for all of the fun ideas!

  4. I made these for Mar a few years ago, she still loves them!

  5. Thanks, everybody :) We didn't use a pattern. I just traced around the diaper that came with the baby doll to make a pattern. If you do that don't forget the seam allowance!

  6. They are so cute! You are so crafty!!

  7. I love that doll too! Did you make it yourself?

  8. I'd planned on making O a doll VERY similar to this one for Christmas, but then my aunt gave her Baby Emma for her birthday (and saved me A LOT of work!). Baby Emma is made by the North American Bear Company. We LOVE her!

  9. Cute! Do you have a pattern for the diapers or any directions that you could post? My 17-month old is so into babies. She even puts her baby to sleep in the pack-n-play before nap and bed.

  10. I used a great pattern found at skip to my lou's blog

    just google fabric doll diaper patterns.. I found quite a few

  11. dreamingmama- I just traced around the diaper that came with the doll, cut out the cloth (2 different pieces), sewed them back to back, flipped them, tacked the velcro, sewed the velcro with the machine, and then sewed the opening. It was a bit tedious, but didn't take too long :)

  12. How did you make diapers for O? My girl is almost 2, and I'm hoping diapers are on their way out, but I'd rather train with cloth than the pampers we've been using.

  13. Deanna- That's a good idea. O has always worn cloth, and I think that a big reason that she trained early (we also did EC, though, so that also helped!). To make the cloth diapers we used PUL and fleece to make pocket diapers that are similar to fuzzi bunz, but we used velcro instead of snaps. We just traced around a diaper that she had to make the pattern, cut the fabric, sewed it back to back (it was NOT easy to sew the PUL!), added the elastic for the legs (also, not easy for novice sewers), added the velcro, and we were done. It took us hours and hours to make one diaper, so if you aren't a fantastic seamstress with lots of experience it may be easier to buy them :) I would NEVER have tried to make them on my own.
