Friday, November 7, 2008

Costumes for O's Dress-up Suitcase

IMG_1934 (Large), originally uploaded by omamom16.

I also got great deals on several costumes. I was very excited to find the butterfly, cat, and poodle at Old Navy for 5 dollars each (regularly 22.50). The Cinderella dress came from Target, and it was not such a great deal even though it was 50% off. However, a "buh-loo dess ike Cindah-ella" is the only thing that O has ever really requested," so I couldn't really refuse that :) (we've been reading Cinderella very frequently in preparation for our upcoming Disneyworld trip). I can't wait to see her face when she opens it on Christmas morning.


  1. After Halloween is my favorite time to buy dress up stuff too! This year I only found a couple things, it's more difficult now that Zara is growing out of toddler sizes. Most big kid costumes seem to be cheaply made, not like fluffy little kid costumes. I guess it's time for me to do more thrift shop looking.

    O is going to love her suitcase! You must post pictures of her in those adorable costumes after Christmas!

  2. Yeah, I was surprised by how hard it was to find decent costumes. One Old Navy was sold out of everything, and the ones I bought were the last ones left at the 2nd one I went to. The Cinderella costume doesn't seem very well made. I hope it will last a while :) I also have a ballerina costume from a thrift shop that I bought months ago. I can't wait to put everything together in the suitcase!

  3. I didn't even think of going to Old Navy...those are great finds! I found a purple Barbie dress (like the Cinderella)--not a *great* deal, plus I still have to "de-Barbie" it :) However, for the same price, found a unicorn costume that you wear like suspenders...looks like you're riding it...My 2 yr old will love it!

  4. i buy my children hats for Christmas -- each Christmas it's a different hat -- santa, chef, the old fashoned yellow rain hat, this year i think it will be the hat from the cat in the hat. -- they find them in their stockings

  5. I found some cute costumes for my son and wanted to do the same thing. What is your suitcase like? I'm trying to figure out what to put the costumes in.

  6. My lead teacher bought some dress up clothes for our classroom from Dollar Tree. Mostly it isn't great quality, but she did find some firefighter and police officer hats that are very popular with the kids.

  7. Amy- I'm planning on using my mom's hard case red suitcase that she took with her to it's OLD!!!

    tesslouise- That's a good idea. I'll have to check the dollar tree for hats!

  8. Great finds..! Those dresses are super cute.. You inspired me to visit Old Navy.
