Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Felt Snoman Activity

IMG_2011 (Large), originally uploaded by omamom16.

This felt snowman activity was also inspired by Itty Bitty Love and Starfall. I actually made the snowman before the turkey, and I really love him :) I've really enjoyed making these felt activities because they are so quick and easy. It's great to be able to start and finish something in the same night! I hope that O is going to have fun playing with him!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is really cute and I like how you're presenting all of the parts clearly.

    Are they oogly-boogly eyes? Great idea! Also, did you draw or photograph the cards?

    I bought a whole bunch of felt yesterday & plan to make feltboard sets for the cousins for christmas as well as my sweeties. Thanks for the inspiration - as always ;)

    p.s. Sorry about deleting the last post - typo's!

  3. great job! if you ever run don't want to use all your felt youcan make the base (like the snowman felt) then the rest laminated construction paper with a small square of sandpaper on the back! that is what i do to make my felt last and it saves some money too!

  4. amber- yes, they are oogly eyes :) I used pictures for the cards...much easier than drawing them!

    Shannon- That's a good idea!

  5. That is so cute!

    Zara adores those Starfall games, especially the gingerbread man. If I had time and the supplies I would totally whip up a felt guy for her. Alas I have not tackled any felt projects yet.

  6. I am completely impressed. What a great idea! I think I may do this for Little Logan for Christmas.

    Have a great weekend!


  7. I'm the third Amber to leave a comment. I didn't think my name was that popular!

    Anyway, I love this idea! Lily would really enjoy building the different snowmen. If I can just remember to buy some felt, I'm going to make this one. Did you mount the backgroud felt to a stiff piece of cardboard to make it sturdy?

  8. Oh, one more question... Where did you get the little snowman pics? Did you just draw those yourself or did you get them off a website?

  9. amber- Yes, I glued the blue felt to a piece of cardboard. Also, I just took pictures of the snowmen with their different accessories on and printed them in wallet sizes.

  10. It's an Amber-fest! ;)
    I'm just posting another *hi* so that you're inundated with Amber comments!

  11. Such a fun idea! You've inspired me to make my own. I also made a Christmas tree one. Thanks for the fun ideas!

  12. I'm going to make some of these and the gingerbread men for the littles on my Christmas list!

  13. I LOVE this idea and linked it here:
