Friday, November 28, 2008

A Lesson for O

Just in case there is any confusion...this post was written last Friday :)

We think it's important to teach O from an early age that it's better to give than receive. Last year, we filled a shoe box with goodies for Operation Christmas Child. This year we've (us and our extended family) adopted a family with 7 children under the age of 7. I told O about the family today, and I explained to her that we are buying toys and clothes for these children because they don't have many toys or clothes. Elliott gave O a few dollars, and O, my mom, and I went to town to quickly shop at the 3 dollar stores (this is a small town, and the only stores they have are Family Dollar, Dollar General, and Super 10. At least we didn't have to worry about Black Friday craziness!) O was not excited about buying toys that she did not get to keep at first. She picked out a doll that she felt like she just HAD to have. Luckily, we convinced her easily that she didn't need it since Baby Emma was waiting for her at home :) O was proud to show our purchases to my sister when we got home, and she said they were for the "other children and not O." Phew! I was afraid she wouldn't understand and would think that she got to keep the toys once we got them home. She also donated 2 dollars to St. Jude's, but I don't think she really understood that concept. Oh, well. At least we've started young :) I've also told her that when we get home (we are still at G & G's house) that I want her to go through her toys and books and choose some items to donate to kids who don't have as much as she does. She did not like this idea AT ALL, so we'll see how it goes!


  1. Melissa,
    We have Josh choose toys to donate every few months. He is used to it now and it rarely is hard for him. I ganerally have to stop him from giving away something he does still use.

    My point...Yep I have that if you keep doing it she will get used to it and it will just be normal.

    You really seem to do an amazing job with O. I sure wish I had been more aware of blogland when Josh was born. Such great ideas!

  2. Hi Melissa,
    We are going to be trying this very soon. (as in just a few days) Despite my very best efforts to keep toys to a minimum, we still have an over abundance.
    Since we are teaching the basics now about giving, sharing and love - what a perfect opportunity to show a Christian spirit during this wonderful season.
    Even though I know she is young and might not get the whole concept, I know that these seeds are taking root in her heart.

    Thanks for reminding me of how I can expand our everyday learning and apply it to helping others during Christmas.

    Keep up the great blogging!!!!

  3. Looks good. Check out there is an organization there called "twohands" and maybe we can get people to help save lives.

  4. My son's Montessori children's house is collecting toys to donate this month for a local charity. The thought of taking Alek to Wal-Mart with all the crowds didn't feel like fun to me, so we ordered a toy online.

    I set up a selection of dolls at an online store and asked Alek to choose one to give to a little girl. I am hoping that by having him choose a toy for the opposite gender, it will help ease the desire to keep the toy.

    But, Alek then said he wanted to buy a toy for himself. Baby steps.....

  5. O will grow up giving to others, great job, Mama!

  6. we often have a little clear out before christmas time as you can tell your child the need to donate to children who have nothing (Though if I put it in the charity bin I doubt it goes to children who have nothing - more like thrifters, but that is the excuse i tell them)

    and as a second idea to make room for all the gifts they are going to receive at christmas from grandparents etc (this usually works - though my girls are older)

  7. We love doing Operation Christmas Child! Every year I have each of my girls fill a shoe box. It was interesting this year taking Sydney (19 months) to the dollar store. She was sure that baby doll was for her! I ended up packing the boxes with the older two when she was in bed.
