Friday, November 7, 2008

O's Apron and Chef's Hat

IMG_1932 (Large), originally uploaded by omamom16.

Here are O's apron and chef's hat which are also hanging on a low hook in the kitchen. We also have her bibs hanging on a low hook so that she can get them herself when it's time to eat.

I wish I could put all of these prepared environment photos in one post, but I can only post one picture per post since I'm blogging through flickr :(


  1. Oh, that is so nice. I wonder if Zhana would actually leave them on the hooks? I worry that they would be something out strung out on the floor. I guess its my being lazy, truth of the matter. I may try this though-it sounds great. I don't have an apron for myself, let alone Zhana. The weird thing is that I've been really drawn to them this year so it may have to go on my Christmas list. Ooh if I could find matching ones that would be cute.
