Saturday, November 8, 2008

A Handmade Christmas

IMG_1940 (Large), originally uploaded by omamom16.

It's finished!!!'s almost finished. We still haven't actually quilted it yet :) This baby doll quilt is a big part of O's handmade Christmas this year. We made it to match her "I Spy" quilt that we made for her last year. I am so happy with how it turned out, and I have to give the vast majority of the credit to my mom. Thanks, Mom! Unfortunately, O has already seen it, but I'm hoping she'll somehow forget about it before Christmas (not likely). We suggested that maybe we were making it for my niece, and O didn't like that idea at all! She said "Guh-guh make kilt for O!" We reminded her that she already had a quilt, and she said "O needs 2!" Now, I just have to convince Elliott to help me make her baby doll cradle!


  1. That is so dear! I sure wish I could sew:(

  2. I'm like Sandy. I want to know how to sew. So many cute things I wish I could make...

  3. She's young, so if you put it away, there's a possibility she'll forget. I've been known to forget about a Christmas present I knew about as late as 13. It's worth a shot anyway. Just make sure she knows it's from you and your mom and not from *anyone else*.

  4. great job! i love it and i know she will too! :)

    i love making stuff for my LO

  5. How nice!!! She will love it for her dolls, even if she does remember! I need to get sewing....

  6. Thanks, everybody! I know she's going to love it, and it's put away so hopefully she won't remember it. However, I'm sure that once she sees it again she'll remember that we sewed it and she helped :) Next on the list...handmade doll diaper bag, bib, doll cradle, and baby carrier. Then we'll be done. Phew!

  7. Very pretty. What other ideas do you have.

  8. pecos blue- the doll cradle is next and then we'll work on a bib for the baby doll

  9. I LOVE the quilt! I plan on making one for my great~niece who will have her 1st birthday on the 23rd. Thanks for the inspiration!
    Carol ~ in Oklahoma

  10. That is completely priceless! Great job!

