Tuesday, November 25, 2008

O's Doll Carrier- In Progress

IMG_2949 (Large), originally uploaded by omamom16.

We are back from our vacation, and O and I are spending the week at Guh-guh & Grandpa's house (Elliott will be here with us tomorrow). My mom and I have been working nonstop on O's handmade Christmas gifts. Here is her baby doll carrier. We have all of the pieces, and now we just need to sew them together. So far, I've done all of the sewing, which is pretty surprising :) I'm going to let my mom do the top stitching, so it will look nice and neat instead of crooked :) Hopefully, we'll finish it tonight and start on the doll diaper bag. We are using my Beco as inspiration, and I'm hoping O's doll carrier will turn out the way I have imagined it!


  1. Melissa,
    So cute!! Could you give some of the measurements and directions? I've also been busy making some handmade gifts. So far, felt blocks, felt star ornaments and baby doll diapers. Glad your trip went well and you are back home safely!

  2. Hi,
    Thought I'd let you know about my blog giveaway. If interested, you can visit my blog and go to 'Blog Giveaway!' you'll see it and all the details. You may just win something special for your precious little one. :-)

  3. I LOVE how much time you spend with the grandparents!

  4. this is adorable!!!!!!
    she is going to love Christmas. :)

  5. Don't you just love the Moda sock monkey fabrics? We did a bunch of throw pillows with them.
