Wednesday, November 5, 2008

O Loves Turtles

IMG_1813 (Large), originally uploaded by omamom16.

We went to the aquarium this weekend, and O LOVED the turtles. There was an outside exhibit with a turtle that she kept calling "cutie pie." O spent the most time at the baby sea turtle exhibit. I love this picture of O and her Uncle illum (William) watching the sea turtles.


  1. cute! i love turtles too! my oldest loved them so much her nickname is turtle!

  2. What a sweet and cute picture! I wanted to comment about how special your family game night is! What other first board (family) games do you recommend? I'm thinking about Christmas presents for 2-3 year olds! Thanks, for taking the time out of your busy and very nice life to answer and help me out :)

  3. Hi Maddy! Good to see you again :) We don't have too many board games, yet, but O loves memory games and the soundtracks games. She's getting several games for Christmas that I think she'll enjoy...eeboo's tea party game, Cranium Bloom's puzzle look and find game and cooking game, etc. I'm also thinking that she may be ready for Candyland (which is exciting for me since I loved it when I was little). Oh, we also have a shape Bingo game that is fun, but we haven't played it very often. Hope that helps!

  4. Oh, my daughter loves turtles, too! but she doesn't call them cutie pies! How darling!

  5. Thank you so much, Melissa! I never even knew about the Sprout games until you posted about one of them. I also want to tell you how much my daughter and I have "talked" about you and your family these days. We always find the new things that O does exciting and tremendous. But, these days our deepest and nurturing thoughts have been with you. I hope that you can feel our love all the way from Maine and Vermont because we are sending you lots. As always, thank you for answering my question. Happy November--the month full of things to be thankful for. I am thankful to tune in every day and capture a moment in your life with O!
    A friend that admires you from afar!

  6. Thanks, Maddy! I was you have a blog or website?
