Thursday, November 20, 2008

Time-out at Hollywood Studios

O was so excited that Elliott put her in time-out at Hollywood Studios this afternoon! My girl is an interesting kid, and she loves time-out :) She playfully bit Elliott on the shoulder. He wasn't mad, but she wouldn't say she was sorry, so he put her in time-out. She was thrilled, of course (and we are sure she intentionally wouldn't say she was sorry because she wanted to go in time-out). After a few minutes, she still wouldn't say she was sorry, so I went to talk to her. After I told her that she didn't have to get out of time-out if she apologized, she ran to Elliott, hugged him, and told him she was sorry. Then she was ready for more time-out. The poor kid probably just needed a break from this action packed vacation :)


  1. Am I bad that I find this funny?! That really is a classic photo...

  2. have you read Alfie Kohn's "Unconditional Parenting"?-- he actually provides some suggestions on alternatives to Time Outs. it's a good read and very popular among Montessori folks.

  3. MoziEsme- It really was hilarious! I hope she didn't hear us laughing. She's a funny girl :)

    I haven't read unconditional parenting, but I'll check at the library for it. Time-out is a rare thing, and it's not punitive, just a chance for her to get away and be by herself for a few minutes. She's always liked it, and she sometimes asks "time-out?" hopefully when she uses bad manners at the table or something like that. We usually turn her down. I think I probably need to let her know that if she NEEDS a time-out, she can put herself there without acting naughty. That way she can have a few minutes to herself without any undesirable behavior :)

  4. I have an award for you over at my blog...

  5. oh, crazy kids. I love here outfit by the way.

  6. Thanks, Beth. I love her outfit, too. Elliott thinks it looks like pajamas, but I think it's perfect. O loves blue and dots, and it only cost 2 dollars at a yard sale :)

  7. Sounds like an introvert!! I can totally relate. I am one, and I have one!!
