Friday, December 26, 2008

Bilingual Zingo

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We LOVE Zingo! My friend, Becca, sent this fantastic game to O for Christmas. We let her open in on Christmas Eve along with a few special presents from us (we didn't want it to get overlooked in the craziness of Christmas day). I'm so glad we let her open it early. We were all so excited about it that we immediately played the game. We had a great time, and O caught on quickly. We are going to play in English for a while before we switch to Spanish, but I think it's going to be GREAT for all of us to practice our Spanish vocabulary. I highly recommend this very fun game! Thanks, Becca!!!


  1. Hello, I'm just wondering ... I know Bingo. (We sometimes print some free ones out from the internet and play it.) What is the difference when playing Zingo?

    Thanks and have a nice day,
    -Miss Muffin-

  2. Ulli- Zingo has a neat little slider thing that holds all the tiles. You slide it and it deposits the tiles on a tray. If you have the picture on your sheet that is on the tile, you call out the name of the picture, and put the tile on your board. When your board is full, you call "zingo!"'s similar to bingo, but more exciting, I think :) It's going to be great for learning spanish, since we'll have to call out the spanish word before getting the tile.

  3. I havent seen the bilingual one, but we play this game all the time! I recommend it to everyone too!

  4. Thanks for the explanation! Sounds really fun - and seems to be able to practice new vocabulary! I will check out whether it is available in Germany too ... If not, I will keep it in mind for the time when my daughter will start learning English as a second language ...
    Thanks for the tip!

