Thursday, December 4, 2008

A Book a Day

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We have LOTS of Christmas books, and we keep them in storage all year except for the month of December. That makes them new and exciting for all of us. This year I decided to wrap 24 books in newspaper and write a number on each one. Then O gets to open one each night, and that is so much fun!
I decided to use newspaper primarily because it is easily recyclable, but also because it's free and wrapping the books is fairly easy to do. However, I really don't like wrapping, and I can't stand to touch newspaper :( My original plan was to make a bunch of bags for the books using Christmas fabric that I bought last year (at 75% off), but I never got around to it. Hopefully, I'll get the bags made before next year :)


  1. sounds good i call it christmas reading countdown!

  2. I thought I was the only one who hated touching newsprint! (LOL!) A lovely tradition for little O. You're such an inspiring Mama.

  3. You are really amazing.... you are able to create so many creative activities with O. O is really blessed.

  4. I just heard of this idea and think I'm going to do it next year, I like the bag idea!

  5. I hate touching newsprint too. I'd have wrapped them all at once. Then washed my hands and been done with it.

    I need to go see if I can find some Christmas fabric. I have a couple of awkward gifts this year and thought it might be a good time to start a collection of Christmas bags by making Christmas bags to put them in (A med size ball and a large Tonka dump truck)

  6. Great idea! Maybe I will get some fabric on sale after christmas and make bags to do this next year!

  7. What an amazing idea! Thanks for sharing.

  8. Love this idea and absolutely love your blog! I was curious if you had any books that you would recommend. We are slowly getting our 24 and I want to make sure we'll get ones that we will enjoy for years to come.

  9. I think we all must be allergic to newspaper. No, seriously, my hands hurt so much after touching it.

    But, your book countdown is great. Please do post some of the books.

  10. I wrapped my in christmas paper and my girls love it!! we had a neighbour come by (who is from an african refugee family) and she pretty much gasped at the wrapped books under our tree... and at a few other traditions we have.. it made me grateful for the effort I put into christmas traditions for my girls

  11. As usual, ANOTHER GREAT IDEA!!!!
    I am keeping an online journal to note everything I am gathering as I go along and this one goes in (with many others you have written) the Holiday Traditions Folder.

    Thank you so much for always sharing your incredible gift and talents with us!!!!

    Blessings to you and yours.

  12. I love, love, love this idea!!

  13. I really love this idea! I don't have 24 christmas books YET ... but we're getting there! :-) Maybe next year I will do this book countdown. Kinda like an extra advent calendar ... Really really nice idea!
    Thanks for sharing!

    Oh, and for the newsprint - if I wrap stuff for my daugther (she just loves unwrapping stuff for fun!) I often use old gift wrap. That one that you wouldn't use on real presents anymore because it does look used. Maybe that is easier to touch for you? (However, you would have to save wrapping paper for a while beforehand ...) :-)


  14. Thanks, everybody! We are having SO MUCH fun with this. O gets so excited each night when I tell her it's time for her to find and open her book. I think she's learning her numbers, too :)
    Ulli- That's a good idea to reuse wrapping paper. I always save wrapping paper and then forget to use it :)
