Sunday, December 21, 2008

DIY Keep it Steady Game

When I saw the review of this game on Z Recommends I thought that it looked like a lot of fun and VERY easy to make. Luckily, I was right!
To make this game you need a pack of dowels (12 inches long), a saw (I used a miter saw and box), paint, mod podge, sandpaper, a wooden curtain ring, and a block.

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To make this game, I sawed the dowels in half and sanded the ends. Of course, O had to help!

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Then I painted the ends using 6 different colors and painted the block using the same colors. I taped the edges of the block, so I'd have a neater paint job. Then I coated the block with a layer of mod podge to give it a sheen and to make it more durable. I planned to eventually paint the whole sticks instead of just the ends, but now I've decided that I like the look of just having the ends painted :)

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The game fits nicely in a pencil case :) I made 2 of these games at the same time. It was easy, fast, and fun! I hope O and M like them!

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  1. Looks like O was a great helper! And it looks like a fun game...

  2. What a neat game idea! Yours looks beautiful - I'm sure it'll get played a lot!

  3. Oh wow, good job. This looks so simple and easy, I may have to try it. hanks for the post!

  4. Wow, what a great idea! Especially since my daughter really starts to love playing games ... and some of them are really expensive! I will have to try this one soon!


  5. What a great simple. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Ok I'm not a "crafty" person so please tell me what mod podge is???

  7. Thanks, everybody! I decided to give my niece her game today, so it wouldn't get lost in all of the Christmas madness, and she LOVES it. We've played it at least 5 times, and it was so much fun :)

    Laura H.- Mod podge is a type of glue :)

  8. I love this. I was thinking that this game looked very easy to make as well.

    Thanks for taking the plunge and making it to show us all it cold be done.

  9. What a terrific game, I must make this for my youngest son. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Great idea. And the play kitchen in the background is even cuter!
