Friday, December 12, 2008

Felt Gingerbread Cookie Making Kit

For O's 12th advent activity, we had a treasure hunt to find a special handmade gift :) The 1st note sent her to the ottoman where she found another note (Elliott read the notes to her). That note sent her to the sliding glass door by the stairs. She pulled the curtain back to find the note on the door. Then she headed to her seat at the table. There was a note stuck to the bottom of her seat which directed her to the pots and pans cabinet. When she opened the cabinet door, she found her special prize! O didn't really understand the treasure hunt at 1st, but once she understood what we were doing she LOVED it. I plan on having a couple of more treasure hunts for her to find handmade gifts for advent.

O's special prize is a felt gingerbread cookie making kit! I've seen sugar cookie kits similar to this on etsy and at various online shops, and I couldn't wait to make one for O. It was easy to make, but it did take a while. I did all of the sewing by hand, which I really enjoyed (I'm still a little intimidated by the sewing machine!).

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Here are the freshly baked and decorated gingerbread girl and boy. I'd planned to embroider the details, but then I realized that it would be MUCH easier, faster, and would look more like icing if I painted the details with puff, fabric paint! O immediately took these cookies to her play kitchen :)

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Guh-guh quickly made a coordinate gingerbread man drawstring bag for storing the gingerbread making kit before she left our house this morning. Thanks, Guh-guh!

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  1. A treasure hunt is a great idea! Josh would love that and it may keep a cold frosty day from driving us both crazy! Thanks for the inspiration!

    Oh...and the gingerbread kit is adorable!

  2. That is extremely cute and original! I love it.

  3. Wow. I'm more intimidated by hand-sewing than the machine. Then again, I haven't used my machine in years, so maybe not.

  4. That is so cute! I always get such great ideas from your blog, thank you.

  5. Oh I so want to make this for my Egg, he would LOVE IT!! The little bag is just the icing on the, well, gingerbread :0)
