Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A Felt Gingerbread Village

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I'm so excited about this felt gingerbread village! I've wanted to make a felt gingerbread house since I saw one last Christmas, but I didn't know how to get started. I was thrilled when I saw the village and directions in Family Fun magazine. This time I did follow the directions (for the most part anyway)! I was happy with how quickly this came together. I made the houses during O's nap yesterday, the trees last night, and then I cut out all of the decorating pieces during today's nap. I hope she likes it as much as I do!

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To make the gingerbread houses,you need brown felt, glue, an empty milk carton, and white ric rac. I cut the bottom third off of my carton so it wouldn't be so tall. 1st cut the top lip off of the carton. I also had to cut off the plastic pouring spout, which was easier to do than I anticipated.

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Then I just laid the milk carton on the felt to draw my pattern. I cut the felt and glued it to the carton. It looks nicer if you let your felt overlap a little on the roof and on the sides (but not the bottom). Oh, you also need cardstock for your roof. It's easier to add the ric rac BEFORE you glue on your room, btw :)

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I used a small half and half box for the small cottage. I should have used smaller ric rac, but I didn't realize that until I'd glued it all on. To make the trees, I used styrofoam tree forms that are covered in green felt. I cut a 9 inch square since my trees are 6 inches tall. Then I wrapped the tree in the felt diagonally, cut the excess felt off the bottom, and glued the overlap (and also cut off the excess here). (I didn't follow Family Fun's directions for that part) I added a cotton ball in the top to make the point. Then I mashed the point together, glued it, and held it together with a clothes pin. It's not perfect, but I love it :)


  1. OMG that is awesome! I hope O likes it! You could do a fuzzy felt style, or use velcro to attach "sweets"!

  2. Awesome!!! I'm going to make a village for my tot. thanks for the tutorial.

  3. Melissa,

    I came across this today and thought you might be interested.


  4. How cute! LOVE your blog by the way, it's one of the blogs I always check for new posts. You have so many great ideas for toddler activities!

  5. How darling! My daughter is still a little young for this, but I'll keep it in mind for next year! Thanks for the great idea.

  6. This is incredibly cute! I'm a little obsessed with felt right now - so thanks for sharing!
