Saturday, December 6, 2008

Just a Reminder...

If you ask me a question in the comments section, then I answer it in the comments don't forget to check back! I read ALL comments, and I try to answer all questions. However, every few weeks, I'll notice that a comment has been sent to my junk mail, so it's possible that I don't get all of them (I only read them through email, not on the blog...I don't read my own blog :) Also, I am often in a hurry when I read my email, and if I don't respond immediately, I sometimes forget to respond at all. If I never respond to your question, PLEASE ask again! My lack of response was unintentional, I promise :) Thanks, everyone, for reading and commenting! I'm still constantly surprised and thrilled that people are actually reading this blog and using some of the ideas/activities that we've enjoyed :)


  1. I just have to say that I absolutely and completely love your blog. You are such a creative and talented mom and you inspire me with every post. I can't even remembered how I stumbled upon your blog, but I CAN tell you that I am constantly implementing your ideas with my 17 month old. So, a giant thank you!

    I was wondering if you could direct me to the post (I know, I should be able to find it myself!) where you made O a doll cradle out of an oatmeal canister. I want to make one for my little one, but have some visual/spatial issues. LOL.

    Keep up the awesome work and know that you're definitely making a huge difference!!


  2. Thanks, Jillian! Here is the link to the post for the oatmeal canister cradle I hope it helps :)
