Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Nesting Dolls

O and M love to play with Guh-guh's nesting dolls (she has LOTS of them!). M explained to O how she was lining them up according to size. Then Guh-guh read them the story of Matryoshka dolls.


  1. My 2.5 year old LOVES my nesting dolls. She calls them "The Whole Family" (i.e. Can I play with the whole family, mommy? :)

  2. I have wanted to get these for a while. I would love to have a set (or more!)

    The above comment is so cute!

  3. I agree that nesting dolls are just the most wonderful things to play with for small people. I was given a set of Communist leader nest dolls, which will make a very interesting history lesson in a few years time!

  4. My 22 month old loves them, too! She especially likes the tiny ones in the middle - calls it baby and carries it around, rocking and wrapping it with blankets.

  5. Cute! WE have lots of nesting dolls too and my girls love to line them up like that!

  6. How funny. I always thought of them of something particularly known in the eastern parts of Europe (Matryoshka). They have been around alot during my childhood ... I grew up in the former eastern part of Germany. Now I don't find them that often anymore. My daughter just got a small set from her grandma a few weeks ago and she LOVES it! She carried it around for weeks! I am thinking of getting a bigger set. I was surprised how much fun she had with them!
