Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Thanks, Everyone!

Thank you for all of your kind comments and well wishes. I am still feeling very ill, and Zofran is not the miracle drug that I had hoped for. Although, it does help :) I'll try to have some posts up in the next few days. As for now, I'm just trying to make it through one day at a time. O, my mom, and I have just returned from her house, so we're home for a while. Maybe we'll get back into some sort of routine, but I doubt it :) Right now I'm just hoping I can make it through work tomorrow without throwing up on anybody. I have to lead 2 IEP meetings, so hopefully I can at least make it through the meetings :)

Thanks for all of the comments and ideas for different rememdies. I'm trying lots of them :) I had a really bad morning yesterday, but I made it through my meetings. I'm lucky to work with such wonderful people (and many of them are pregnant!). I've had an exceptionally bad day today. I haven't been able to get out of the bed at all, and I've thrown everything I've eaten (sorry for the tmi). I'm so hungry, but there's no point in even trying to eat :( I have several things to post (that my mom has done with O), but I don't have the energy to download the pics to my computer, upload them to dropshots, and write a post...maybe tomorrow. I'm about to read another book. I've been reading a lot of novels, which is a nice distraction from the nausea. Last night was my last night taking Prometrium, so I'm hoping that I'll wake up tomorrow morning feeling like a new woman! Thanks again for all of the comments :)


  1. I am a lurker that is coming out to tell you that I have so much sympathy for you.

    I had a rather difficult pregnancy (to say the least) so when someone is feeling rotten, my empathy abounds.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope this soon passes!

  2. I haven't read the other comments so I apologize if someone else has already mentioned this. I know two different mamas who had good result curbing their nausea by taking higher doses of B vitamins. Perhaps it can help. Good luck!

  3. While Zofran wasn't a miracle drug for me, I still could have not lived without it I woke up 3 hrs before I was supposed to every morning just so I could pop a pill. I would then go back to sleep and let the drug start working before I had to lift my head off the pillow.

    I certainly don't envy you at this point. Good luck and feel better soon!

  4. I hope that your morning sickness abates soon!

    If you don't mind me asking, what role do you play in IEP meetings? My son has autism and we are just not delving into the experience of IEPs at his school. They have been less than fun. I didn't know if you had any thoughts or suggestions on making the best out of an IEP meeting?
    -Jess (went to college with your friend Becca)

  5. I feel like I remember my sister saying she had to lay down for about an hour after taking each dose of Zofran, or else she'd feel sick anyway. I can check with her to find out, but maybe that will help a bit. Poor you!! I hope you feel better soon!

  6. Thanks, ladies.
    Christy- I think I should take the Zofran earlier. I'll try that tomorrow :)
    maestra- I tried taking higher doses of b vitamins with my last pregnancy and it didn't help. I haven't tried it yet this time, but I should for sure. Thanks for the reminder.

    Jess- I usually lead the IEP meetings that I am in :( It's not much fun, but I've gotten used to it. (this is my 8th year as a school psychologist). If you have any specific questions, I'd be glad to help you out if I can :)

  7. Melissa, it took me a few tries before I got the timing right. I would wake up at 5am to pop a pill (I wouldn't even lift my head off the bed) then I would lay back down until 6:30 or 7am when I had to get up and get ready for work.

    I would still feel ill, but it was nothing like it was if I didn't take the Zofran before I got up for the day.

    I hope you find the right timing. It made all the difference in the world for me!

  8. I'll continue to pray for you! Good luck tomorrow:0)

  9. Happy for you! I had a rough second pregnancy, (and a rough second baby!) and all I can say is just One Day At a Time! XOX

  10. I just wanted to congratulate you on that baby growing big & strong in your belly :) Hopefully you'll start feeling better soon. Lots of positive energy floating your way from Australia!

  11. I hope your sickness gets more bearable quickly. I was pretty sick with my daughter. Sick enough that we joked we could make a whole monopoly game of all the places I got sick at! It was no fun. At all. They put me on B6 and Unisom and it was alright. Same deal though- it was very dependent on how early I took it and how sleepy I was willing to feel during the day. I hope you find a schedule that works for you -- or that you'll just magically wake up one morning and you feel awesome :)

  12. Hope you find ways to make yourself feel a bit better, and hope your IEP meetings go smoothly. I was our school's special needs co-ordinator, leading IEP meetings, whilst pregnant and have every sympathy when it comes to navigating difficult territory when you don't even feel right yourself.

  13. Oh my - hoping you get some relief soon, I can sympathize with the not wanting to move!!! While B6 didn't help me at all and Zofran by itself was not a miracle for me (and I hate taking meds so keep that in mind) taking Zofran and Phenergen every 4 hours have helped me a lot. When it still gets unbearable between I have Reglan (sp?) that I can take as needed. Just praying that this passes quickly and so soon our babies will be in our arms and this will all be behind us!! Hang in there and praying for some relief!

  14. Oh, I sympathize! I found one of the only things I could stomach was plain popcorn- I got a microwave popper, the smell of the microwave bagged kind would make me ill. I would top it with a small amount of butter which helped me get in some calories and it would help the toppings stick. I then would sprinkle on some nutritional yeast which gave it a nice nutty taste and added some protein and some salt which helped a little with the dehydration. The only problem is that popcorn is not very pleasant to throw up so eat this only if you have some confidence you can keep it down.

    FYI- not to gross you out but dried fruit is surprisingly non-objectionable to "re-visit."

  15. sounds weird, but... if it helps, i guess it's worth sounding weird for, right?
    one of my friends SWEARS that blue corn meal cured her. She was on all kinds of Rx's that didn't help, but eating a bowl of blue corn meal (she just made it with hot water, like cream of wheat with butter and sugar) did the trick! She only ate it once and was cured. It's cheap, too, in the bulk section of a natural foods store. She said it tasted sortof like dirt, but was worth it! Hope it helps you!!

  16. Don't worry about the posts; just get well! My thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope things start turning around sooner than later!

  17. I was teaching during my first pregnancy and I was horribly sick as well. I was in and out of the hospital for dehydration. Zofran worked off and on. I wish I could say it got better...and well it did the say my son was born. This pregnancy it was like that until week 20, and not I'm only throwing up once a day. I hope it gets better! (I also left quite a few IEP meetings to head for the bathroom)

  18. I love your blog and I am sorry to hear about your nausea. Blessings to you and the new little one!

  19. I hope you are feeling better!

    I was looking at your wish list for O on I think you should add Magna-Tiles to your list. My sister has a set (they are quite expensive), but she say that it's the toy her son plays with the most!

    We also have the blink game. It's a great game, but it's played exactly the same as the card game "speed". I was a little disapointed that it wasn't a "new" game. It was already a game that I could have played with an exsisting deck of cards.

    Thanks for your great blog!!

  20. I am not sure if this will work for you since you sound A LOT more nauseous then me but I am currently wearing 'Sea Bands' on my wrists and they really help. I live in Chicago so my long bus/train rides can be rather painful some days and these have really helped minimize nausea. I hope that you start to feel better soon!

  21. I am a lurker, too, and I don't know if I have ever left you a comment before, but I have the WORST all-day sickness when I am pregnant, too. My doctor gave me a prescription for Compozine (if that's how you spell it) and it was AMAZING! It is supposed to make you sleepy, but it didn't bother me at all...might be worth talking to someone about. I really hope you feel better soon. "Morning sickness" is the pits!!!

  22. Sorry to hear you are feeling so ick! Thinking of you.
    We wanted to ask your permission to share 2 of the sorting ideas (those organized in ziplock baggies in a June 25, 2008 post) on our educational resource site. We will happily link back to your site, and give you full credit, if you don't mind us sharing your idea. Please let us know if that will be okay!

  23. Don't worry about the blog. Just worry about feeling better!
    Take care!
