Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Arranging Feathers


This idea came from My Montessori Journey. It's fun and easy to put together. O really enjoyed herself!


It occured to me a couple of weeks ago that paint chips would be PERFECT for cutting work! The paper is stiff which makes it easier to handle and the lines are wide. Can't get any better than that!


After O cut the chips, we talked about the differences in the colors and put them in order from darkest to lightest. We saved the chips, so she can use them later to make a collage :)


  1. My daughter (she'll be 3 next week) has those shoes (ours are from Target) and she wears them constantly. She calls them her "clopping shoes" because they make a clopping noise when she walks. Great post, as usual. Thanks.

  2. I love the feather idea. That would be perfect for my son.

    Paint chips are a great idea too. Brilliant! :)

  3. I love the idea of cutting the paint chips. I haven't let Arin do much cutting, but I think we'll start working with this idea. Thanks!

  4. Paint chips can be used for everything, can't they?

    Cute feather idea, too. :)

  5. When did O start cutting? My son likes playing with the scissors (opening and shutting) everytime he gets his hands on them so I'm thinking of teaching him what they are for...

  6. Christy- I bought O's shoes at the 2nd hand shop, but I think they originally came from Target. My sister bought a black pair from there. She loves them, but they gave her a blister yesterday :(

    My Boaz's Ruth- I'm not really sure when O started cutting, but I think it was probably right around age 2 (she's 31 months now).

  7. This is a great idea! The simplest ones usually are. Love your blog.

  8. I love the idea to use paint chips and added it to our post tomorrow on cutting. Great idea!

  9. I love the paint chip idea. We are going to do that. Makes a great reuse of the paint chips I will be getting anyhow to plan our new color scheme.

    What is the objective of the paper clip games? And what makes it fun for the little one?

  10. Fairion- The paper clip match game is good for working on fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and matching skills. It's a challenge and lots of fun!
