Sunday, March 22, 2009

Beleduc Girl Body Puzzle

O's grandparents gave her this puzzle for Christmas, and she loves it. The puzzle is wooden and very sturdy, and she has learned so much from it. In fact, I need to find some of my old biology and anatomy books, so I can expand on her learning by teaching her the names of the bones and muscles.


  1. Wow! I have never seen anything like that and my kids would love it. Very cool!

  2. We have this one! C got it for Christmas last year, and it's actually been in her closet because she wasn't old enough for it. She's now becoming the queen of puzzles, so I think it's time to bring it out!

    Good idea about brushing up on anatomy first, though! ;)

  3. Thanks for the review, I've been eying this for months! We have the seasons puzzle which Z adores so I know she would love the body one too.
