Friday, March 27, 2009

Bird Puppet Kit

A friend gave O 2 Martha Stewart Puppet Kits for Christmas, and we put the bird puppet together today. This was a fun and very quick activity, and O really enjoyed herself. I bought several of these kits (holiday themed) after Halloween and Christmas (for 1 dollar each), so I'm glad she enjoyed herself so much! It was nice to do a project that required no preparation on my part :)


I'm glad I waited a little while to do this project. O is really into puppets right now, so this was the perfect time. I love how she talks to the puppets like they are real. So cute!


  1. so cute i wish that i could find some cheap!

  2. I picked up some of the holiday ones for next year too! I was shocked to see them for only $1 at Walmart! The bird one is just adorable!

  3. What a cute puppet!! She must have had a blast =) I loved making puppets when I was a kid.

  4. Hi!

    I posted about this on my blog!

    Thanks for sharing!
